In 2014, Rho Phi Lambda launched a partnership with the Tracker to teach high school boys from the townships about both Entrepreneurship and Life Skills Development with a purpose of exposing disadvantaged youth to the technical skills needed to succeed in both formulating and executing on business ideas as well as endowing those same young men with personal development / soft skills needed to thrive in both workplace and family environment.
Over a seven-week period, each weekend the Brothers met with the students on the campus of the University of Johannesburg and introduced them to “canvass business planning” and topics such as market assessment, marketing, financial management, human resource management, fund raising etc. At the close of the training sessions, the teams of students (they had been organized into four teams at the onset of the program) competed to see whose idea was best.
Men in the Making is a CSI initiative of Tracker –one of South Africa’s largest vehicle tracking device companies. Tracker partners with other large corporations to provide career guidance to young boys (Grades 10-12). Nationwide, Tracker has close to 6,000 Men in the Making beneficiaries.